Young Massive Star Clusters in M82 with JWST
Levy et al. 2024b
We detect more than 1300 star clusters in the center of M82 with stellar masses greater than 10,000 Msun. Almost 90% of them are new compared to previous Hubble-based star cluster catalogs. Even though we detect these clusters in the infrared, they still have appreciable dust extinctions (Av ~ 3-24 mag)!

The Morpho-kinematic Architecture of the the SSCs in NGC253
Levy et al. 2022
We investigate the morpho-kinematic arrangement of the SSCs in the center of NGC253. We find that the SSCs and dense molecular gas are located on the same scale as the x2 orbits, where gas is expected to pile up as it flows inward along the bar. The 3D structure of the SSCs is well described by an elliptical, angular momentum-conserving ring.

Outflows from Young Massive Clusters
Levy et al. 2021
We detect massive outflows from forming super star clusters (SSCs) in the central starburst of NGC253 for the first time using 0.5 pc resolution data from ALMA. These outflows will have a substantial effect on the clusters’ formation and evolution.